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Team development


If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.
African saying

In Egotrip neemt Nanja Kolk je mee op reis door de menselijke psyche. Dwars door het ondoorgrondelijke landschap van je brein, door de dichte mist van je onbewuste, langs de kolkende stroom van je gedachten en gevoelens, naar de oeroude wortels van je verleden, en weer terug naar je relaties in het hier-en-nu.
Meer over Egotrip

“An off-site team reflection day is often very productive. We understand each other, it is fun, re-energises us, and we discuss useful things. So how is it possible that I don’t see an upward learning curve afterwards? After a week or two we find ourselves back in the same old patterns.”

We believe in strong, inclusive teams. Teams that go for growing the business and take care of each other. Strong teams collaborate, trust each other, take responsibility and dare to make mistakes and learn from them collectively.


Building a strong team takes time and dedication. So one good team building session doesn’t do the job. That’s why we often support teams for a longer period of time. During this designated period, we plan team sessions of one or more days. We also join your meetings to observe the team dynamics in real time and provide feedback. We link the content to the process which means the results of the sessions will benefit the team dynamics as well as the decisions that have to be made.


• Transformational team development process, consisting of two-day deep dive sessions, individual coaching, train-the-leader, as well as team assignments between offsite sessions.

• Focus of the program shifts from increasing awareness and learning within the team, to train- the- leader in developing their own teams, thus increasing the program’s impact on the rest of the organisation.

• Conflict management: think of it as relationship therapy at work. With a multiple partiality approach, we enable people to (re)enter into dialogue in a safe and respectful way.

• Team Maturity Survey: an honest and open analysis of how the team functions.

Would you like to know more? Please contact us.