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Mariette de Bruin

Mariette de Bruin

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience

Paulo Coelho
More about Mariette on LinkedIn

Mariette is co-founder and partner in The Changery. She holds a master’s degree in Business Economics and was trained as a team and executive coach at RINO and Phoenix Opleidingen. Mariette has extensive experience in organisational consultancy and has guided many complex change management processes in various sectors.

In her work for the Changery, Mariette advises leaders and teams who must undergo a fundamental mind shift. Clients appreciate her input and sound advice when the process runs into difficulty or internal conflicts emerge, since she combines astute wisdom with a keen sense of humour. Mariette has a particular interest in the development of self-managing organizations. Who needs bosses?


Mariette quickly recognizes and defines underlying issues. She will engage you with her crystal blue eyes, and just when you think “Is she really going to ask me that?”, that’s exactly what she does.