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Leadership development


When you get caught in the impact zone, get back up, because you never know what’s over the next wave
Bethany Hamilton

In Egotrip neemt Nanja Kolk je mee op reis door de menselijke psyche. Dwars door het ondoorgrondelijke landschap van je brein, door de dichte mist van je onbewuste, langs de kolkende stroom van je gedachten en gevoelens, naar de oeroude wortels van je verleden, en weer terug naar je relaties in het hier-en-nu.
Meer over Egotrip

Most leaders know themselves pretty well. Life and work experiences, previous coaching and leadership programmes have taught you why you do what you do and where your patterns derive from. However, knowing yourself does not automatically mean it is easy to change some of your tough patterns and old ways of doing things.


In order to make more impact as a leader and a human being, breaking with old patterns requires the ability to look at your glasses, not through them. Your glasses, or your view of the world, is your version of reality. Others often have, perhaps to your surprise, a complete different version. We teach you to look at your glasses and to use it for personal as well as business growth. With these insights we will help you to stop sending, explaining and convincing, and start observing, experiencing and listening.


• Our 1-week Changery leadership course for groups of ten senior executive leaders from different  companies, located in Spain and South Africa.

• In-company customised management development programs to develop leadership in line with the organisation’s strategy, strongly embedded in the leaders’ own context.

• Train-the-leader: we teach leaders change- and people skills, i.e. to create a safe learning environment, to facilitate effective team sessions, and to coach the team and individuals towards the team’s strategic and transformational goals.

Would you like to know more? Please contact us.