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Personal Coaching


Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength
Sigmund Freud

In Egotrip neemt Nanja Kolk je mee op reis door de menselijke psyche. Dwars door het ondoorgrondelijke landschap van je brein, door de dichte mist van je onbewuste, langs de kolkende stroom van je gedachten en gevoelens, naar de oeroude wortels van je verleden, en weer terug naar je relaties in het hier-en-nu.
Meer over Egotrip

Good leaders are connectors. To connect with others, you first have to be connected with yourself. When you are under pressure, have to take difficult decisions, or are going through a phase of personal growth, a coach can function as a catalyst. Talking with an external ‘soundboard’ can also create space you need to reflect freely on your impact, the decisions you take and how you deal with your employees and superiors.


We won’t tell you what to do, but we will guide you in finding your own path and breaking through your own barriers and limiting beliefs. Our coaching style is known for being personal, dedicated, challenging, witty and respectful. We encourage you to move forward by trying out new things, and challenge you to take full ownership of your own learning curve.


• Personal coaching of executive leaders on leading transformations, leading people and leading themselves.

• Coaching includes several one-on-one sessions, outside-in feedback (bosses, peers, partner and friends), body-mind experiences, and reflection assignments between every session.

Would you like to know more? Please contact us.