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This book was written for all the busy and passionate people with whom we collaborate at the Changery, past, present, and future. For blue structure nerds, yellow scatterbrains, red bouncing balls, or green softies. For big and small egos. For leaders and employees, high or low on the ladder, it really doesn’t matter – as long as you are curious and willing to defy your self-image.
Enlightened in less than 100 pages. Promise. Does your ego, or other people’s egos, stand in your way? Read this book. It won’t answer every life question, but it will certainly open your eyes to your own deeply ingrained patterns. The green grass beside your old dusty-but-familiar pathway will suddenly look much more attractive.
Tom van den Bos –
a “must read” for every peoplemanager who wants to get the most out of himself. Very well written. The core of ‘everything’ all-together. Very valuable.
Ferdinand Lahnstein
Tom van den Bos –
I found the book an additional layer and illustration of your point of view and approach towards leadership and teams (the Inner Changery).
Frans Ratelband, Program/ Projects Director at Organics
Tom van den Bos –
The most important psychological concepts explained in clear language. Smoothly written and suitable for anyone who wants to get more out of themselves and others. The book challenges me to apply something every day!
Cathalijne Oudijk, Marketing & PR Director Beauty South Africa at Unilever
Tom van den Bos –
Everything that goes with it strikes me … it is only 92 pages but I have to read it at least once a week to ask myself the right questions again!
Berend van der Kraats, Onderzeeboot commandant Koninklijke Marine
Tom van den Bos –
I would say: the right time! What a beautiful and valuable book! It came to me at the right moment and got me in motion and learned me to trust.
Hanneke Donker, HR-businesspartner to the VP commerce at ETOS