The urge for constant action, the pressure to perform, the need to keep moving forward and solve problems as quickly as possible – all this can detract from what is actually the main ingredient of personal leadership: focus. To be aware of yourself and the setting in which you operate, you must avoid everything else that clamours for your attention. We take you a week from the daily hectic to another world. No phones, no cameras, no laptops.
Is this for me?
You’re a senior executive. You enjoy the challenge of your position but it can be ‘lonely at the top’. How do you maximize your impact? How do you stay authentic? Are you consistent in your aims, an inspiration to others? Are you happy in your work? Leadership at management team level is not all about performance and achievements: it’s also about who you are and what you stand for. In this programme, we bring together people who are ready to make the next great step in personal leadership development. They are willing to share their insights, experiences and questions with their fellow travellers.
What are the benefits?
You will increase your strength, impact and ability to make connections. You will learn to see yourself from a different perspective. It is not so much about making big changes in yourself, but rather about considering which aspects of your management style are merely ingrained habit. You will learn about yourself and what is expected of you as a leader and a person. And you will forge an extremely strong bond with eight other leaders, all of whom have embarked on exactly the same journey.
Strong, effective leaders know themselves well. What experiences have formed your opinions and beliefs? How have they determined the way you perceive others and others perceive you? This is about taking a closer look at your own perspective. You can then increase your strength and effectiveness in a way that fits you.
There are often parallels between how you act in a business context and the dynamics of your family and background. You will learn to recognize these parallels. The better you understand them, the greater the impact and inner calm you will enjoy as a leader and as a person.
A ‘connective’ leader knows how to bring the dynamics beneath the surface out into the open. Such an invisible dynamic often manifests itself in tangible, visible ways. As you make your own journey, you will also learn how to explore the hidden depths of others and help them to work towards their aims.
We begin with an intake interview, to get to know each other and to learn about you and to sharpen your learning goal. After the intake you will ask three people to write a letter: someone who is close to you at a personal level, your boss, and a person who impresses you and whose opinions you value. We will take these letters, sealed envelopes, with us on the journey. To consolidate the experience on your return, we offer intervision (peer discussions without our input), supervision (with our guidance), coaching by The Changery, or further training by Phoenix Opleidingen.
Because we are redesigning our leadership trip, the dates for the upcoming trip are not yet available.
If you would like to be kept informed, please let us know via
Inspiration and applications
Our approach draws upon various psychological principles, including transactional analysis, awareness of defence mechanisms, character structures, systematic working and pattern recognition, leadership and belonging, core transformation, locus, order and loyalty, imprinting and re-imprinting, transference and countertransference.